Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Why Kim Jong Il is the Most Demanding Birthday Boy in the World

 you thought Kate and Williams' royal wedding was going to be the most extravagant celebration of 2011, think again. Kim Jong Il, North Korea's authoritarian leader, is going all out for his 69th Wednesday. Kim's birthday (known as Kimjongilia Festival) gives American Christmas traditions a run for their money -- everyone celebrates and if you've been good, you get a gift from
the "great leader" himself. So get ready for synchronized swimmers and Rolex party favors, because this dictator sure knows how to throw himself a bash.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tyche, Giant Hidden Planet, May Exist In Our Solar System

...and there may be 7 winged space monkeys with an extra leg that is full of a special propellant that allows them to travel at the speed of light. 
Come on, can anyone just think of something and it becomes news.  Apparently so.

Tyche Hidden Planet
The Huffington Post:  We may have lost Pluto, but it looks like we might be getting Tyche.
Scientists may soon be able to prove the existence of the gas giant, which could be four times the size of Jupiter, according to astrophysicists John Matese and Daniel Whitmire from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. The two first proposed Tyche's existence in order to explain a change in path of comets entering the solar system, according to The Independent.
From the The Independent:
Tyche will almost certainly be made up mostly of hydrogen and helium and will probably have an atmosphere much like Jupiter's, with colourful spots and bands and clouds, Professor Whitmire said. "You'd also expect it to have moons. All the outer planets have them," he added.
For a graphical representation of Tyche, click here.
So how could we have missed such a massive planet in our own solar system?
Well, it's 15,000 times further from the sun than Earth, according to Gizmodo. Tyche (if it does exist) lies in the Oort cloud, the outer shell of asteroids in our solar system.
Despite what the scientists believe they will find in the data (which will be released in April and was collected by NASA Wise space telescope), there is at least one flaw in their theory. Theoretically, a planet of Tyche's size should seriously disturb comets in the inner Oort Cloud, but that effect is yet to have been observed, according to The Independent.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Michelle to Barack: You better support my program!

Is it any surprise that one of the largest increases in the Presidents budget is to the Food and Nutrition Service by more than 17% and VA benefits took a 2% loss.

By the way Feb 9th was the one year anniversary of the Let's Move campaign to fight childhood obesity.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Does anyone really believe Lady Gaga was born this way?

Lady Gaga Premieres 'Born This Way'

Seriously, if you have seen a picture of her you'd know instantly she wasn't born that way.

Free Computers!!!

Obama wants 98-percent of Americans to have 4G-speed wireless in 5 years

Speaking at Northern Michigan University today, President Obama discussed the importance of offering high-speed wireless connections in rural parts of the country. He said he wants 98 percent of Americans to have access to a wireless network with 4G-speeds within the next five years, CNET is reporting.
"Every American deserves access to the world's information. Every American deserves access to the global economy. We have promised this for 15 years. It's time we delivered on that promise," Obama said.

Does this mean 98% will have a computer?  Who is going to pay for the computers?  Can anyone say the US government.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

iPhone Confessions, a mere $1.99

Smartphone Sins: Catholic Bishop Approves iPhone Confession App

A Catholic bishop has approved Confession: A Roman Catholic App, for use among churchgoers and lapsed Catholics alike. Patrick Leinen, of Little iApps, the company that created Confession, claims it has already helped one person come back to the church after 20 years away.
(More on See the 50 best iPhone apps of 2011)
Protected by a password, the app invites users to examine their consciences and confess to their sins. But it won't replace the old-school booth. The app, which costs $1.99, just goes through the motions of confession, but churchgoers must see a priest for absolution.
The Vatican has made major steps to embrace the 21st century. Just last month, Pope Benedict XVI gave his blessing to social networking, declaring, "I would like then to invite Christians, confidently and with an informed and responsible creativity, to join the network of relationships which the digital era has made possible." But will iPhone-toting Catholics access Confession as much as Angry Birds? (via Reuters)

Read more:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Beware Parents: Cool Kids are Mean!

LA Times: It's something your teenage child already knows well: Those popular kids can be mighty mean.

But he or she might not be clued in to the conclusion drawn by a paper released Tuesday in the American Sociological Review, which found that the more central you are to your school's social network, the more aggressive you are as well -- unless you're at the top of the heap, in which case you're more likely to give your peers a break.

“By and large, status increases aggression, until you get to the very top,” said the study's lead author, UC Davis sociologist Robert Faris. “When kids become more popular, later on they become more aggressive.”,0,1008368.story

Doritos made me stupid or do stupid people eat Doritos?

Toddlers' Junk-Food Diet May Lead to Lower IQ - correlation or causation, you decide.

Doritos made me stupid or do stupid people eat Doritos?

Researchers from the University of Bristol looked at data on 3,966 children born between 1991 and 1992, who were part of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). The children's parents had completed surveys on their kids' diets at ages 3, 4, 7 and 8.5, and the children's IQs were measured at age 8.5. (More on Is School Lunch Making Your Kids Fat?)

Overall, kids who ate junky fast-food diets at age 3 had a small drop in IQ at age 8.5, compared with kids eating healthy foods. The association persisted even after researchers controlled for other environmental factors that can influence IQ, such as parental education level, maternal diet in pregnancy, socioeconomic status and stressful life events

Read more:

Why is that Mary Poppins can swing around without a problem?

Again, another Spiderman debacle.  Are they building this stuff into the show.  Maybe the show is so bad they need the errors to keep it entertaining.

New York Times Theater Reviews:

An honest-to-gosh, show-stopping glitch occurred, just as the title character of this new musical was about to vanquish or be vanquished by the evil Green Goblin. Never fully explained “mechanical difficulties” were announced by an amplified voice (not immediately distinguishable from the other amplified voices we had been hearing for what felt like forever), as the actors in the scene deflated before our eyes. And for the first time that night something like genuine pleasure spread through the house.
I’m not kidding. The sheer ineptitude of this show, inspired by the Spider-Man comic books, loses its shock value early. After 15 or 20 minutes, the central question you keep asking yourself is likely to change from “How can $65 million look so cheap?” to “How long before I’m out of here?”

Nothing looks truly new, including the much-vaunted flying sequences in which some poor sap is strapped into an all-too-visible harness and hoisted uneasily above the audience. (Aren’t they doing just that across the street in “Mary Poppins”?)

Superbowl Ads

What's the best thing about the superbowl, the ads, of course.

Wanna see them again and vote for your favorite here they are:

Superbowl Ads

Friday, February 4, 2011

Fox - Study: Moms’ Work Schedule Is Making Kids Fat

I can hear it now.  The woman tells her therapist, "I'm fat because my mom worked too much."
The problem here is correlation and not causation.  In other words, the study found there was a relationship between working moms and fat kids.  Causation would be, kids are fat because their mommys work.

That is like saying the radio makes people crazy.  Yes they may listen to the radio, but is the radio the cause, is it making them crazy?.

The reason kids are fat is the same reason kids were fat before moms started working, they eat too much.

Why you should not deep freeze glass bottles

Can you believe the AP posted this?  Isn't there something going on in Egypt - or are too many college kids putting glass bottles in their freezers?

Man charged in Greyhound bus hijacking

Why would someone want a Greyhound bus in North Carolina?  Well apparently the hijacker had something particular in mind. reports - "He was just irate, (didn't) make no sense," passenger Xavier Little said. "Nobody understood what was the purpose. He kept saying, 'I want to go to the courthouse, the nearest courthouse.'"

His dream came true, he got a trip to the nearest courthouse.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Internet Officially Runs Out of Addresses

No kidding!  This is really to crazy to not be true. - Today the well of addresses on the Internet officially runs dry, but there's no need to panic. The exhaustion has been known about for years, and new addresses—which are designed not to run out for a long, long time—are already in operation.

whewww, I was about to panic.

Official Language of Egypt is Arabic

If the official language of Egypt is Arabic why do we keep seeing these signs?  It makes a person wonder if they are protesting against the government or making an appeal to the United States.  The amazing thing is that they spelled all the words correct (unlike some American protesters below).

Protesters in Egypt post a sign asking the government to restore internet service, which was restored on Wednesday.
Is that a picture of an iPhone?

game over?: A protestor in Tahrir Square, Cairo, demands the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak. Protests continue unabated even as the government blocks information dissemination over the Internet
What is Arithetic?  Try spelling Math, it's a lot easier.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Amazing Army Training

How long does it take to train our military on the repeal of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy?

Apparently 3 months according to a news release.

In a recent briefing, senior military officials said only that implementation of the repeal can likely happen at some point in 2011.
But other sources suggest that the Pentagon hopes to have the training done by this summer, perhaps as early as May. Such a timeline would have the benefit of allowing the Obama administration to prepare for 2012 elections without the distraction of implementing the DADT repeal, says Jarrod Chlapowski, field director for Servicemembers United in Washington, D.C., an advocacy group for gay and lesbian troops and veterans.
“It’s in their interest for them to knock this out as quickly as possible," he says.
Mr. Chlapowski estimates that the training will last about three months. “We’ve been hearing 90 days being tossed around for the full length of the training,” he adds. “But I think we’ll have a better idea how this is going to go once each of the service chiefs reports" to Defense Secretary Robert Gates.


Basic Combat Training is 8 weeks or 2 months
Ranger School - 2 months
Airborne School - 3 weeks
Air Assault School -10 days
DADT repeal training - 3 months INCREDIBLE!  This must be some really good training.

Jimmy's Pad

Washington Times reports that Jimmy Carter's house  - the exterior - costs $67,841 last year to maintain.  Not bad considering the tennis court is swept twice a day and the pool is cleaned daily.

The bad news - we pay for it.  Under an arrangement with the National Park service taxpayers are responsible for the exterior of Mr. Carter's home in Plains, GA.

The good news - the government obtains the right to add the home to the Jimmy Carter National Historic Site when he and his wife pass away.  Well isn't that special.


EPA will limit rocket fuel chemical in tap water - this was published in USA Today, today. (2-2-2011)

In the announcement Wednesday, EPA administrator Lisa P. Jackson said that in addition to the standard, which could take a couple of years to develop, that the agency is moving to regulate up to 16 toxic chemicals in drinking water that may pose risks to human health.

Anyone know where I can get a good water filtration system?

I will need one for at least the next couple of years according to the EPA, and then who knows.  Anyway, I am on well water, and still use a filtration system.  You should probably check with your city, county or state depending on location for information on the quality of your water - you just might be surprised (not like a birthday party). 

That's the headscratching headline today.